Tuesday, October 1, 2013

History of Technology in Mathematics

The teaching machines help students to "master" their mathematics skills through drill and practice and trial and error, but fail to teach them how to apply and think critically of the content .



  1. When I first saw your graphic I was unsure of what it represented. I didn't know if the "machine" was a computer, calculator, or some sort of cash register. But after reading your caption I believe the machine is a calculator. I am still not 100% sure. However, I can definitely see how calculators have only taught students the skill of trial and error. I don't think students fully grasp the different applications calculators can be used for. In some classes calculators are very useful for showing graphs that are difficult to draw free-hand. With that said, teachers need to do a better job at explaining the different components that a calculator can be used for instead of having the students use it as trial and error until they get the answer.

  2. I agree with Antonietta, I'm not too sure what this image is. But I remembered from the video, it mentioned about 'teaching machine is drill and practice,' so i'm thinking that's what your talking about. But as Antonietta said, if its a calculator then I think I can say that as a non-math major if you don't know the formula to the problem that you are trying to solve then you will make an error. I mean everyone make mistakes, thats how we learn. This is what I think.

  3. I loved this picture that you posted. Technology should be created so it makes whatever job we need to do much easier, I believe that calculator is what does that for math. Once this is taken care of we can focus on what is truly important and the thing no machine could ever do, critical thinking. I believe in the future all of these mindless jobs that we have will be replaced by technology and there will be a high demand for innovators. I hope in education instead of focusing on doing mindless tasks we can start to focus more on critical thinking and not just learning about things technology can easily take care of.

  4. I also used a teaching machine as my picture. I agree with you that teaching machines were not useful. They did not teach students to think critically, they just learned facts using these.
