Wednesday, December 11, 2013

TI-83 View Screen Overhead Projector

When I was in high school, I was fascinated by the graphing calculator view screen overhead projector that my Math teacher used. He was able to connect a TI-83 calculator to a "special" projector, and we were all able to see his calculator's screen. Later, I actually did some research on that to get the actual name of the projector, and it is called the Viewscreen Overhead Projector. Below is an image of the projector. I love it because it is extremely useful in a Math classroom. When I teach a lesson on the graphs of trigonometric functions, instead of manually draw the graphs, which are often complicated to draw, I can just graph it on the calculator, and then project it onto the board, just so every one can see it. It will save teachers a lot of time, and teachers may also show their students how to input the function into the calculator as well since many students may don't even know how to do that. I feel that it is the most useful technology that I have encountered so far in a Math classroom. I have also seen teachers at my fieldwork site used it as well, and the lessons often went really well. Therefore, I will definitely use it in my future classroom when I am teaching students how to graph functions.


  1. This is a great post! I can't believe I have forgotten about this technology and have not thought to write about it on my own. I used graphing calculators so many times in high school and college classes. The teacher would try to explain to us what to do, but somehow someone always got lost. Being able to display the calculator for everyone to see is great. This allows for the students to learn how to do new things on the calculator. It can also be used to just show graphs, tables, and calculations. Thanks for bringing this up! I completely forgot about this tool until now.

  2. Sharon, I agree with you. I believe the TI-83 View Screen Overhead Projector is a great visual representation to use in the classroom. Some of my previous math classes have had this in the classroom and some had not. I found that the classes that had this were more helpful, because not only was the correct representation displayed, but the students may also see step by step the procedures the teacher takes for the end results. This could help a lot of students who are having a hard time. Also like Amanda said in the comment I also had completely forgot about this until now, since I have not seen it used in a long time.

  3. My teacher also used a computer version of the TI-83 calculator that had all of the buttons and viewing window available, kind of like if you were to flatten the calculator into a computer screen. She would project the calculator onto the board and that way we could also see where the buttons were on the calculator. That program, as well as this projector, will definitely help students make sure they are using their calculators effectively.

  4. The overhead TI-83 projector is definitely a very helpful tool while teaching many math classes. I remember using it almost every year in high school. The only thing I disliked about it was it seemed to be unrelieable. I am not sure if that was just the certain version we used, but on a few different occassions my teachers were not able too use this projector becuase it was malfunctioning. I am sure if it was a bit more advanced in technology it would be so beneficial. Many classrooms for example, have the projectors automatically hooked up to their computers and the projector is on the ceiling. In this case it could be so rewarding for this TI-83 projector to connect to the computer, by a usb cord perhaps, to then be projected onto the board.
